The Fellowship was fortunate enough to obtain a copy of REALITY CHECK #1 from Image Comics. Glen Brunswick writes and Viktor Bogdonavic draws.

Willard Penn is a comic book creator living in Hollywood trying to eke out a living. His creation Dark Hour is on the verge of being picked up by a comics publisher, and then into a movie. Obviously this means a lot to him; his brother would have been proud. Willard’s career is about to take off…until something very weird happens.

Willard is an everyman, and what’s happening to him is the dream of many comics writers and artists out there. Well, most of it anyway. He’s had some stuff in his life, and we sympathize with him for that. It helps make him normal, which is setting him up for the weirdness he’ll face in the next issue. And it should make for an interesting emotional journey in the long run.

Willard’s world is about to get turned upside down, and I like where this is going. There’s a lot of room for weird semi-fantastic fun in this story. I’m eager to see where they take it.

REALITY CHECK #1 is available now at your LCS and online at imagecomics.com.

~Mike ( @MikeyGeek )