The Fellowship was fortunate enough to obtain a copy of THE
CREEP #1 from Dark Horse Comics. The story is written by John Arcudi with art by
Jonathan Case.
Oxel is a private eye who suffers from acromegaly, which is
a long term condition in which the body produces too much growth hormone which can
result in severe disfigurement, serious complicating conditions, and premature
death. He has been hired by his ex-girlfriend Steph to investigate the
“suicide” of her son Curtis. Oxel questions Steph’s ex-husband Greg about the
incident, plus the apparent suicide of Greg’s friend Mike which happened before
Curtis’ death.
This is more than just a regular noir/mystery/detective
story. I feel for Oxel and his condition which John Arcudi not only shows his
physical pain, but his emotional as well. There is also Curtis’ grandfather who
is currently homeless and is seeing things, including his dead grandson. What
that means I don’t know, but I’m sure it will be address down the road. Jonathan Case’s art is perfect for this book and sets a great tone for the character and the
THE CREEP #1 is in stores now and available at www.darkhorse.com.
~ Thomas