The Fellowship was fortunate enough to obtain a copy of LOCKE & KEY: GRINDHOUSE from IDW Publishing. Joe Hill writes and Gabriel Rodriguez draws.

Keyhouse is a dark and strange place, and few people who go there ever understand what dwells behind all those doors. The Locke family has guarded the secrets for centuries, but this is one story about a group of robbers who got more than they expected. Sometimes bad things can be used for good purposes, right?

Our story takes place in the early part of the last century, and it gives us a good picture of what can happen when the house is used by those who understand it in order to protect themselves. And I’d feel sorry for the hoodlums if they weren’t so darn unlikeable. The art is good, too, and the muted colors really help the gangster-era feel and setting. And the book includes a map of the house with several nice hints about potential stories down the road.

This is a nice, bloodthirsty little story, a fun, vicious one-shot. Quite enjoyable.

LOCKE & KEY: GRINDHOUSE is available now at your FLCS or by order from idwpublishing.com.
