The Fellowship was fortunate enough to obtain a copy of GRAVETRANCERS #1 from Black Mask Studios. The story is written by M.L. Miller; with art by James Michael Whynot, colors by Dee Cunniffe, and lettering by Jim Campbell.

Anthony drags his sister Maribel to visit the grave of their estranged abusive father. They find the cemetery, and are welcomed by a disturbing family who run the establishment. The siblings are lead to a grave they believe is their father’s. A startling discovery takes them on a dark and twisted path that they may never return…

We’ve all heard stories of funeral parlors or cemeteries doing questionable things. M.L. Miller has successfully taken that concept down a different path for a darker reason. This is a genuine disturbing story. The art by Whynot and Cunniffe is beautiful and grotesque at the same time, a difficult feat. The art becomes more disturbing and abstract as reality slips away from our heroes. Black Mask Studios titles tend to focus on the darker side of the human race and are not for everybody. That being said this is another great start to an intriguing ride which I am going along. Check it out. 

GRAVETRANCERS #1 is in stores now or available at www.blackmaskstudios.com.