The Fellowship was fortunate enough to obtain a copy of ASSASSINISTAS #1 from IDW Publishing and Black Crown. Tini Howard writes, Gilbert Hernandez draws, Rob Davis colors, and Aditya Bidikar letters.

Dominic is a junior in college now, and he’s doing well. He’s got a decent GPA, and he’s got Taylor, and so far he’s got no student loans thanks to Mom. But now something has come up with Mom’s former co-workers, and she’s had to sink all her ready cash in something other than Dom’s tuition. So he’ll just have to take a semester off to help out Mom with her old profession – assassin!

This is one of those crazy, what-am-I-getting-into stories, because though Dom knows what Octavia “used to” do for a living, he has no idea how it really works. This issue builds a ton of backstory for all of it too, adding bits and pieces to give layers of depth to the story. And the art helps to convey that innocence that Dom brings to the story too.

Taking a semester off to pay the bills has some preconceived ideas behind it, but this is definitely not going to be boring drudgery for Dom. This title promises to be a lot of fun, so get on board now.

ASSASSINISTAS #1 is available now from your local comic shop, or online at idwpublishing.com.

~Mike ( @MikeyGeek )