The Fellowship was fortunate enough to obtain a copy of THE GRAVEDIGGERS UNION #1 from Image Comics. Wes Craig writes, Toby Cypress draws, Niko
Guardia colors, and Jared K. Fletcher letters.
The Gravediggers are fighting as hard as they can, but it
just seems like things are getting worse. Things are also getting closer to
home lately, and the critters are getting weirder (as in bigger and smarter).
Cole is the veteran, and he’s got a few ideas. He’d like to talk to the witches
about it, but the union’s stance on witches is crystal clear.
The first issue of this series does an excellent job of
letting us get to know the team (starting off the issue watching them in combat
is smart). But it also does quite a bit of worldbuilding along the way, giving
us some major hints as to how this world works (not going into spoilers here). So
the writing is top-notch, and the art works really well as it shows us some of
the monsters that are all too real.
It’s hard to argue with an action-packed, well-written first
issue. I’m ready to learn more about these people, what they do, and how their
world works. Jump on board here at the beginning.
THE GRAVEDIGGERS UNION #1 is available now from your local
comic shop, or online at
~Mike ( @MikeyGeek )