The Fellowship was fortunate enough to obtain a copy of FIGHTING AMERICAN #1 from Titan Comics. The story is by Gordon Rennie; with art by Duke Mighten, colors by Tracy Bailey, and letters by Simon Bowland. FIGHTING AMERICAN was created by Joe Simon & Jack Kirby.

 Thanks to the genius of Professor Twister, Fighting American and Speedboy have traveled from 1954 to present day chasing Communist agents. The professor gives him a device to wear on his wrist and instructions on where to find additional help to get back home once the mission I done. Little does he know the attention our heroes are getting, especially from ones who knew they were arriving…

 It’s great to see another creation of Jack Kirby (and of course Joe Simon) return to active duty. While time travel/strangers in a strange land stories aren’t new, Rennie puts an interesting spin on the concept. Fighting American sounds just like the superhero straight out of the 50’s, right down to ( his detriment)  the narrow focus of the task at hand, even though he’s sixty years in the future. Mighten provides a unique look for the book that is reminiscent to Simon and Kirby’s books. All in all this could be a fun series.

FIGHTING AMERICAN #1 is in stores now or available at www.titan-comics.com.