The Fellowship was fortunate enough to obtain a copy of MECHANISM #1 from Image Comics and Top Cow Productions. Raffaele Ienco writes, draws, colors
and letters.
Officer Gibbons is having a bad day. His vacation was
postponed, and now his partner has volunteered him for observer duty. And the
observer is some kind of mech, which he doesn’t generally like to begin with. It
doesn’t get better when they come across an old guy sneaking out of the city,
and then the geckos start showing up. A very bad day indeed.
We also get a bit of backstory on the mech in this first
issue, and it looks like this story could get a lot more complicated before the
end. Gibbons is a good cop character, though, and the world obviously has some
really interesting history for us to learn about. The art shows us a futuristic
vision that’s a bit murky from all of the rain, but otherwise full of
technological promise (and hey, flying cars!).
If you’re into mysterious first issues (like me), this is a
really good one for you. A great one asks more questions than it answers, and
make you really want those answers bad. Pick this one up.
~Mike ( @MikeyGeek )