The Fellowship was fortunate enough to obtain a copy of CASEFILE: ARKHAM volume 1 from 01Publishing. Josh Finney writes, and Patrick McEvoy draws.

Hank Flynn has just come home to Arkham from the war in the Pacific. Since he doesn’t have many prospects, he gets his P.I. license and starts pounding the pavement. He soon stumbles into the strange world of modern art when he’s asked to locate an artist named Pickman. Pickman proves to be elusive, though, and Hank finds more shadows and darkness than he could have ever dreamed.

Flynn is equal parts hard-boiled private dick and Lovecraftian supernatural investigator. He handles himself well in the face of unspeakable horror, and maintains that classic noir narration like a pro. The horror of war has prepared him well for the horror of Arkham, or so it seems. This story is as well balanced as its protagonist, too, with delightful takes on both noir attitude and the darkness in and around the human soul. And the art is wonderfully expressive, both in the characters and in the backgrounds and shading choices.

It will take one tough hombre to find an artist lost in his own inner darkness. Hank has some help along the way, but can he handle it along with his own inner demons? This graphic novel is a must read.

CASEFILE: ARKHAM is available now at major book sellers, on Amazon, or at 01publishing.com.

~Mike ( @MikeyGeek )