The Fellowship was fortunate enough to obtain a copy of MAGE: THE HERO DENIED #0 from Image Comics. The story is written and illustrated by Matt Wagner, with colors by Brennan Wagner, and letters by Dave Lanphear.

The Pendragon is back, and encounters and young man who calls himself “The Steeze.” The youngster shows off by trying to take down a group of Bookas (and is quite impressive), but Kevin offers a little assistance. The problem is the Bookas’ presence means there is a bigger threat approaching…

After a long (almost 20 years) wait, the concluding chapter of the MAGE trilogy is here.  Honestly, I need to go back and read the other stories to refresh my memory. Fortunately, Image Comics is doing a new printing of MAGE Volumes One (THE HERO DISCOVERED) and Two (THE HERO DEFINED). Great little tease here from Matt Wagner; and am interested in seeing where Kevin goes in this concluding chapter of the MAGE story.

MAGE: THE HERO DENIED #0 is in stores now or available at www.imagecomics.com.