The Fellowship was fortunate enough to obtain a copy of ROBYN
HOOD #3 from Zenescope Entertainment. The story is written by Pat Shand,
illustrated by Claudia Balboni, with colors by Slamet Mujiono, and letters by Jim
Robyn and Marian have a plan that should end the
priest/sorcerer’s evil plans once and for all. However, to accomplish it they
need the assistance of the young witches (who they are trying to protect) and
the mysterious young man named Paul (who has his own agenda). Even if they
succeed, is it only the beginning of something far more dangerous?
I have really enjoyed the mini-series and glad that Robyn
has graduated to an ongoing. Pat Shand does an awesome job writing strong
female leads in an urban fantasy (at least for now). I’m pleasantly surprised
that the main story arc lasted three issues – a rare thing in the “written for
the trade” days we live in. It was nice, concise, and moved quickly but not
rushed. Claudia Balboni did the art on the last two issues, and I like what I
see. Hopefully she will be on the title for a long time. If you have been
curious about this title, now is the time to jump onboard and enjoy the ride!
ROBYN HOOD #3 is in stores now, or available for ordering