The Fellowship was fortunate enough to obtain a copy of VAN HELSING VS THE WEREWOLF #1 from Zenescope Entertainment. Chuck Dixon writes, Allan Otero draws, Robby Bevard colors, and Taylor Esposito of Ghost Glyph Studios letters.

When Liesel has a bit of downtime, she often cruises the London bookshops for anything interesting. One of her shops has a fragment of a codex that starts her on the path toward a legendary sword of heaven. That leads her to Beijing, where she learns that the next step is in Mumbai. But one thing leads to another, and the plane crashes in the Himalayas.

This is a very busy first issue. Liesel is not very good at downtime, it seems, and the sword is too great a prize not to try for. This issue shows us a lot about her character as well, and it makes a seemingly simple quest complicated and fun. And the art helps with that, looking fantastic in a wide range of locations.

Chuck Dixon’s first foray in the Zenescope universe is off to a strong start; he’s already got a good grasp of Liesel and of monster fighting. I like where this story is going.

VAN HELSING VS THE WEREWOLF #1 is available now from your local comic shop, or online at zenescope.com.

~Mike ( @MikeyGeek )