A Review: AIRBOY #1

The Fellowship was fortunate enough to obtain a copy of AIRBOY #1 from Image Comics. The story is by James Robinson, with art and lettering by Greg Hinkle.

James Robinson is asked to reboot the Golden Age character Airboy by Image Comics publisher Eric Stephenson. After being typecast as “The Golden Age Guy,” he is rather reluctant to work on yet ANOTHER character from the 1940s. He agrees to do the project, but has no clue on how to start. Going on a suggestion from his wife, Robinson brings artist Greg Hinkle onboard thinking between the two of them…SOMETHING has to come to them. However, it doesn’t work. James decides that a few drinks might help, but it actually leads to other things…none of which improves the situation. That is until the guys wake up the next morning…

What a deliciously dark, sometimes depressing, yet also humorous tale, and an eye-opening experience reading this issue. It is art imitating life imitating art in a weird way. Hinkle’s art is impressive and really supports the unique story that is unfolding. If you haven’t figured it out yet, the book is NOT about Airboy per se, but the book is worth picking up. I’m a little late to the Robinson fan bandwagon (Earth-Two, All New Invaders, Fantastic Four, plus a few earlier books), but I’m here now and enjoying the ride.

AIRBOY #1 is in stores now, or available for ordering at Imagecomics.com.